Rooms, apartments, studios
According to the houses, these regulations are suceptible to be modified or supplemented.
For a good cohabitation, any noisy event during the exam period (January, May and September) are to be avoided. During the rest of the year, please give notice to the other tenants.
You are always responsible for the damages that could be caused by your guests, even in the common area. Please ask your friends to be of the highest discretion when they are in the stairs or common area and to respect other’s sleep on late departures.
Pay the rent at the beginning of the month and do not forget to ask for a receipt. A standing order and a bank payment are always preferable. Only certain persons are entitled to receive money from the tenants (Mesdames Theys Hélène, Soltana Nada and Monsieur Zied Ben Soltana).
The garbage can only be taken out on certain days after 6pm, please enquire in function of your dwelling unit. It always has to be put on the sidewalk, not in the back area. It is forbidden to put obstructing objects on the road. Only the city of Brussels’ garbage bags can be used. Those can not weigh more than 18kg to be collected by the garbage collection service. The yellow and blue bags are collected only on Wednesdays evening.
Animals are forbidden.
Lock the entrance door.
The loss of a key costs XX, 00 euros. To damage the lock insert is equivalent to XX,00 euros.
Try to notify a person in charge as soon as possible in case of damages whether they are your responsibility or not.
It is formally prohibited to burden the common area with anything (garbage, drainage, bags, furniture…). At any time, the passage has to remain clear for security reasons (firemen request), but also for the commodity of each tenant.
Do not throw cigarette stubs (or anything else!) through the window neither in front nor at the back. For those who have a terrace, be careful, as the cornice lining is inflammable.
It is forbidden to smoke or to barbecue on the terraces.
It is forbidden to smoke in the common area.
To smoke in the other locals is not desirable. The nicotine impregnates the walls and yellows.
Possible paint costs due to cigarette smoke will be accounted for on your costs and deducted from your rental deposit.
On your departure, the apartment shall be thoroughly empty, cleaned and returned as clean as when entered (windows, on top of the kitchen…). In the contrary case, the sum of XX euros per hour will be deducted from your deposit in order to pay for a housekeeper. No garbage, nor food products, no furniture can be left in your apartment, studio or in the corridor after your departure. The fridge has to be clean and defrosted. The light bulbs have to be replaced; all the valves and water fixture (lavatory bowl, bathtub, wash basin, sink, valve, shower knob…) have to be regularly scaled (for example with vinegar or antikal). If it has not been done on departure, XX,00 euros per hour will be deducted off the deposit to pay for a plumber to take care of it.
rue César Franck, 79 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium | Phone : +32 478 20 18 31 ou +32 473 32 00 34 ou + 32 484 13 35 87 |
Last change 2024-05-30
Copyright © 2006-2007, Nada Soltana