H2N Location

Rooms, apartments, studios

FR | EN | ES | NL

Only the mentioned persons are entitled to organise visits, sign the contracts and collect the rents.


We are private owners (mother and daughters). So visits take place on appointment.

A booking can also be made from abroad. In this purpose, please contact us by e-mail.

Owner : Hélène THEYS (Frenchspeaker), only in case of emergency for the tenants
Phone : +32 473 32 00 34

Owner : Nada SOLTANA (English or french speaker)
Phone : +32 478 20 18 31

Phone : +32 484 13 35 87

Electronic address :

top of the page

rue César Franck, 79 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium | Phone : +32 478 20 18 31 ou +32 473 32 00 34 ou + 32 484 13 35 87 |location@h2n-location.be

Mentions légales

Last change 2024-05-30
Copyright © 2006-2007, Nada Soltana