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Urbanisme et architecture à Bruxelles

Brussels is an extended city, space available per capita exceeds the average of the other European capitals. A significant part of the frames is composed of one-family houses, now divided into apartments, and of buildings low height. In this urban landscape rises modern high-rise office buildings however (tower of Midi, tower Madou, Rogier tower, Belgacom tower), concentrated in the districts of businesses of the city: Park north (called small Manhattan), European district, which occurred Louise. Many parks mark out the city. The proportion of parks also important although is unequally distributed. The private gardens in interior of small island are numerous.

The city counts many remarkable buildings in a great diversity of styles, medieval constructions with the contemporary architecture.

Starting from the end of the XIXe century a new architectural style appears, the art nouveau whose Brussels will become one of the capitals thanks to works of architects of reputation of which most famous are: Victor Horta, Paul Hankar and Henry Van de Velde, also inter alia: Paul Cauchie, Gustave Strauven, Ernest Blérot, Josef Hoffmann (Stoclet Palate), Leon Delune, Paul Hamesse and well of others.

After the First World War the destruction as well as the strong demographic growth due to the surge of new inhabitants come from the other areas of the country causes a housing shortage and extensions rapid of the area of construction. It is the beginning of and the garden city social housing constructions in periphery of the agglomeration of then.

Le bois de La Cambre

The "Bois de La Cambre" is a public park located in Brussels, it is called "Bois" by the Inhabitants of Brussels. It was conceived, on a part wedged in the city of the forest of Soignes, in 1862 by a German, established in Belgium: the layout of wood was entrusted to Edouard Keilig, architect of garden born in Saxony into 1827. This space arranged with English style imitates nature and is characterized by a irregularity in the design of the plantations and the ways. This irregularity offers sights and perspectives very varied. This place quickly becomes the place for appointement of the Inhabitants of Brussels, like the Wood of Boulogne in Paris. This place accomodated in particular a cycle-racing track, a Theatre, an artificial lake, a hippodrome, and walks for riders.

Today still, it represents important “a green lung” for the inhabitants of Brussels. This space accomodates a night club (since 2006 devastated by a fire), horse-gears of horses, a skating rink, activities of canoeing and fishings are organized. On certain occasions, sporting demonstrations, concerts in the open air, processions of attachments, theatres of animations, or of the plays for children take place for the estival periods.

The abbey of La Cambre, located today on the territory of the commune of Ixelles, is a remarkable testimony of the religious life and abbey architecture which remains in the area of Brussels. The abbey dates from Ancien Régime. It is made up of two nucleous:

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rue César Franck, 79 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium | Phone : +32 478 20 18 31 ou +32 473 32 00 34 ou + 32 484 13 35 87 |location@h2n-location.be

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Last change 2024-05-30
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