Rooms, apartments, studios
Attention, this non contractual text is given as information. For any information please contact us.
All of our contracts are based on the base contract of the Owner’s Office and adapted in according to the accommodation. They start on September 1st of the running year and finish on August 31st of the following year. We can agree to terminate a lease anticipatively. For modalities please contact us.
Here below an example of contract concerning the Boulevard Général Jacques, 31.
It has been agreed between the undersigned: :
A) SOLTANA Nada, proprietary, domiciled at 29 Boulevard Général Jacques, 1050 Ixelles, tél : +32 4xxxxxxx., here below called the« landlord »
B) Family Name :
Name :
Adress :
Telephone :
Person to contact in the event of problem :
here below called the« tenant ».
The following points :
The landlord offers to lease to the tenant who accepts it, the following room situed at the ground floor(ES)/at the ground floor (R)/at 1st/at 2d/at 3d floor in 31 Boulevard Général Jacques in 1050 Bruxelles, called EA, EB, RA, RB, RC, 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C.
The rented good is equipped according to a description established in the inventory of fixtures.
The tenant accepts the good rented in the state in which this one is and well-known of the tenant who does not ask of it for fuller description. The good is in good condition rental and it answers the elementary conditions of safety, health and habitability.
At the expiration of the lease contract he shall leave the property in the state which he found it in, taken into account what would have been degraded through normal use or age.
The landlord establishes an inventory of fixtures which it provides to the taker at the entry of this one in the places. The taker has seven days to contest it. At the end of this period, the inventory of fixtures provides by the landlord will bind the parts in a firm and final way, that the inventory of fixtures is signed or not by the taker.
Except if otherwise convened, the constat of Inventory of departure will be established on the last day of the lease at the latest, after the taker has liberated the property entirely, at 10 am at the latest. The Inventory of departure will be done in precense of the lordland and the tenant. The whole of the places used by the taker will be visited.
The premises are let for use as a private residence and affected to be the main residence of the taker and only the taker’s (any professional, commercial, artesian, industrial or office use is excluded). The room can be occupied by one person maximum.
The present lease is concluded for a period of 1 year taking course on…./…../… 2p.m, and ending on …../……/……at 10a.m.
The present lease is consented to and accepted in consideration of a monthly rent of xxx euros, to which is added xxx euros of charges, payable in anticipation on the first of each month on the account xxx-xxxxxxx-xx.
In addition to his rent,the taker will pay every month xxx enros of charges, in the beginning of the month.
These charges inclue water, electricity and central heat used in good faith, i.e. in term of energy saving. The property object of the contract can only be occupied by one person
To ensure the due completion of one’s obligations, the taker will give the landlord the sum of xxx Euros, Corresponding to three months of rent and charges, which will be returned to him after expiration of the last term of the present lease and after due execution of all his/her obligations have been noted by the landlord with the deductions of the contingently due. Under protest of complementary damage claim, this sum will stay acquired by law by the landlord if, after signature of the lease, the taker renounces to the tenancy. In no circumstances can the deposit be affected by the taker to the payment of the rent or other charges.
The handing-over of the keys will intervene only after the guarantee was made up. The tenant will occupy the room only after that the deposit wil be pay entirely.
Except if otherwise convened, it is forbidden to transfer the lease. A transfer of the lease is possible, but under certain conditions. The landlord will freely have the right to refuse a transfer of lease.
It is allowed to the landlord to carry out modifications, transformations or installations, provided that those are beforehand notified to the tenant and that the nature of the rented building is not changed by work.
The tenant will not be entitled to any allowance in the event of non-utilization partial of the rented places and this same if the duration of the work were to exceed 40 days.
Any work, embellishments, improvement or transformation of the rented property, can only be done by the tenant with written consent of the landlord.
Except for written convention, contrary, to intervene at written delivranceof this agreement, the improvements will be acquired without indemnity by the landlord who will keep the option of enforcing the restoration of the property to its original state.
The tenant will take care of repairs and small task which are the responsibility of the tenant under the terms of articles 1754 and following of the Civil code and the use of the places, as of those which are regulated specifically in this contract.
It is the Taker responsibility to replace all glass panes, interior and exterior which have been cracked or broken, regardless of the cause. He will cover the costs of damages caused by robbery.
The tenant will also take care of the maintenance of the shutters, the wallpaper and the painted interior walls, the electric bells and the keys and locks. He will give a very detailed attention to the maintenance of the drains and downpipes of toilet and sinks and to the combat against fur and scale in water equipement.
He will maintain all the appliances and spill lines, the installations of doorbells, telephone, heatings and thermostatic good condition.
The tenant must to pay the invoices concerning repairs of all damage of his fact.
The taker shall permit the landlord all necessary or useful repairs and improvements within the rented areas or service areas of the building without being entitled to any recompense from the landlord, not even a reduction of the rent, regardless of the duration of the works.
The landlord insures his property at PV insurances. This insurance covers the immovable and personal property of the landlord, it also insures the rental liability. The tenant’s personal objects are never covered by the landlord’s insurance. During the entire lease, the taker undertakes to insure his property against robbery, fire and water damages. In no cases will the landlord insure the taker's property. The taker will be responsible for his goods and will insure them, in a company which has its headquarters in Belgium, against robbery, fire and water damages.
The cadastre tax is the landlord’s responsibility. All common taxes put or to be put on the rented property by the state, the province, the Commune, the region or other public authority shall be paid by the taker, proportionally to the duration of his occupation.
The taker is bound to respect the internal regulations as well as all modifications that could be done to it, and insure its execution.
A copy of these rules will be joined to the present contract in appendix.
In case of wrongful cancellation of the lease, the taker shall support all the costs, disbursements and expenditures that have resulted or that will result from the cancellation and pay, in addition to the rent due before his departure, a cancellation fee equivalent to the rent of a trimester, risen by his share of taxes for this period, and for the same period, his share of the charges that stay unchanged notwithstanding his departure.
The taker can only exercise recourse against the landlord in case of breakdown or malfunction, attributable to him, of the services or appliances serving the rented property, if the taker establishes that after having been advised, the landlord did not take all the possible measures to fix the problem.
The same will apply for liabilities resulting from the articles 1366 and 1721 of the Civil code.
The taker will use the property in good faith and will immediately report roof damages or other big renovations imposed by law to the landlord. The taker shall tolerate those renovations without being entitled to any recompense from the landlord, even if the works exceed forty days duration.
EIn case of expropriation, the landlord will notify the taker who can not claim any compensation to the landlord. He shall not represent his rights against the expropriator and shall not claim any compensation which would reduce that allocated to the landlord.
Three months before the end period of the present lease, either at the expiration of the fixed term, either by its cancellation or the sale of the property, the taker shall permit the display of the notice board in the most visible locations, and must also allow free and complete visits to the premises as many times as necessary. During the entire duration of the lease, the landlord or his delegate will have access to the property.
For the execution of this contract, the landlord elects residence with the following address : 29 Boulevard Général Jacques, 1050 Ixelles.
For the execution of this contract, the landlord elects residence with the following address : 31 Boulevard Général Jacques, 1050 Ixelles.
By common accord, the accommodation is considered to be the domicile of the student during the whole duration of the lease. Any mail from the landlord will be sent to him to this address exclusively.
This contract contains 5 pages numbered from 1 to 5.
Brussels on xx/xx/200x in duplicate and every party recognizes having received his copy.
Signatures preceded by the reference : « read and approved »
The landlord :
The tenant :
rue César Franck, 79 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium | Phone : +32 478 20 18 31 ou +32 473 32 00 34 ou + 32 484 13 35 87 |
Last change 2024-05-30
Copyright © 2006-2007, Nada Soltana